Sunday, February 5, 2012

Public Art by Dennis Oppenheim

Since the late 1960s, Dennis Oppenheim has been creating artwork at it's best. He bases his artwork off of imperfections, danger, and discomfort. Uncomfortably created, his work leaves artist with a sense of humor and terror. While researching his works, I found his sculptures to be the most interesting. In my opinion, I believe I enjoyed the sculptures because just as I am, they are extraordinary. Even more compelling, they are unusual and fascinating to see.

The image shown above is called the "Bus Home." According to the artist, "The work depicts the metamorphosis of a bus becoming a house." This sculpture is located at Pacific View Mall in Buenaventure, California.

My favorite of all, "Device To Root Out Evil." This sculpture was created in 1997. Shown in this image, a church is resting on its steeple. The church represents the device rooting out evil forces. This sculpture is located in Denver, Colorado.

What are some sculptures that you have seen that interested you?
If you could create a sculpture to place publicly, what would you create?
Would you place it in a specific area? If so, why?

Interested in more sculptures? Visit ---->

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